Thursday, August 9, 2007

Crispy skin duck with shitake mushrooms on pasta with truffle, parmesan and sage butter sauce

I love cooking :) I thought for my first addition to the blog I'd write about what I cooked up on Tuesday night on a whim.

I had a couple of duck breasts in the fridge so I decided to make something a little fancy. Here's the recipe for all those that wanna try this at home.

  • 2 duck breast, skin on

  • Enough oil to shallow fry the duck in a deep frypan (don't use olive oil for this)

  • 8 Fresh shitake mushrooms

  • 1 Small bunch of fresh sage leaves

  • 150g butter

  • 250g (half a packet) of spaghetti or whatever pasta you prefer.

  • 2 tblsp truffle infused olive oil. Check the food links on where you can find this in Melbourne.

  • Grated Parmesan cheese to taste.


  • Slice the shitake mushrooms and place to one side.

  • Put the duck breasts in a steamer and steam for around 12 minutes (Don't over cook!)

  • While the duck is cooking, put the pasta in some boiling water and boil for about 15 minutes. Drain when done and place back in the saucepan and take it off the heat.

  • When the duck has steamed for 12 minutes, heat some oil in a deep frypan until it's VERY hot and place the duck breasts skin down in the oil. Be careful, the oil might spit and burn you. Use long tongs...

  • Spoon the hot oil over the duck and continue this for about 3-5 minutes until the skin looks a cripsy dark brown.

  • When the duck looks crispy enough, remove it from the oil and place on some paper towel to drain.

  • In a small saucepan, bring the butter and a little oil to a bubbling simmer and add the sage. Stir until the sage turns dark green and becomes crispy.

  • Take the butter off the heat and add the mushrooms to the butter. Stir them in well.

  • Pour the butter sauce onto the pasta, add the truffle infused olive oil and mix well.

  • Sprinkle the grated Parmesan cheese over the pasta and mix it in.

  • Slice the duck breast and place on top of the pasta.

  • Serve with a good red wine of your choice.

Well, there you have it :) I hope that if anyone tries this it works out as well as it did for me... YUMMY!!!


shiraz b said...

looks yummy!

Bull Rants said...

your photo is making me hungry.. it surely is better than the stuff you get on the street cos usually they give you more noodle or rice and a couple of meat. :p

About Me

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Just your typical Melbourne guy that LOVES food!